Rolling into Court

Today's post is written by Katie Dishman, of the National Archives at Chicago. As Halloween approaches, our thoughts turn to candy -- and court cases.  A sweet combination of both can be found in Record Group 21, the U.S. District Court, the Northern District of Illinois, Chicago.  Civil case number 47C1770 was filed in 1947, … Continue reading Rolling into Court

How does NARA avoid conflicts of interest on Wikipedia?

Last week, a bit of controversy erupted surrounding Wikipedia, after claims surfaced of contributors with paid consultancies editing with a conflict of interest after having been paid to use their Wikipedia savvy to promote their clients. While it is not my intention to get into the particulars of that case here—feel free to read more … Continue reading How does NARA avoid conflicts of interest on Wikipedia?

Record Collecting

Today's post comes from Pascal Massinon, 2012 National Archives Legislative Archives Fellow.  Stay tuned to NARAtions as Pascal provides updates on his research and experience at the National Archives. Dry fingers, dusty hands, and dirty knees. Common ailments for record collectors scouring through “new arrivals” bins and passed over shelves for rare used LPs. Historians … Continue reading Record Collecting

Learn about the Constitution on iTunes U

Today’s post comes from Stephanie Greenhut, Education Technology Specialist, in the Education and Public Programs division. It’s almost Constitution Day! This September 17th marks 225 years since the signing of the United States Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787. At the National Archives we’re commemorating the occasion throughout September with special programs, online media, and learning materials. … Continue reading Learn about the Constitution on iTunes U

Family Tree Friday: Census Bureau exhibit at the 1926 U.S. Sesquicentennial Exhibition, Part I

Today's post comes from guest blogger Doug Remley, who is a student research room technician in Research Services (RD-DC) at the National Archives Building in Washington, DC.  Doug offers a history lesson on how the Census Bureau celebrated the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.  Future posts will include some of the unique findings … Continue reading Family Tree Friday: Census Bureau exhibit at the 1926 U.S. Sesquicentennial Exhibition, Part I

Mixtapes in Da Nang

Today's post comes from Pascal Massinon, recipient of the 2012 National Archives Legislative Archives Fellowship. Pascal is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of History at the University of Michigan, and will be using records at the National Archives to research his dissertation topic, "Home Taping: Participant Listeners and the Political Culture of Home Recording … Continue reading Mixtapes in Da Nang

Have Your Say! We need your input on Digital Strategy

On May 23, 2012, the White House released the Digital Government Strategy, which outlines how all federal agencies will work to make information and services easily accessible on the internet, anytime, anywhere, and on any device. President Barack Obama said, "Ultimately, this Strategy will ensure that agencies use emerging technologies to serve the public as … Continue reading Have Your Say! We need your input on Digital Strategy

Family Tree Friday: War of 1812 certificates of discharge

In this post I'd like to highlight a particular set of records that probably don't get as much attention as they deserve: certificates of discharge for Regular Army soldiers from the War of 1812.  The most likely reason for the slight attention these wonderful records receive is likely the fact that only a small portion … Continue reading Family Tree Friday: War of 1812 certificates of discharge

Roof Work at the National Archives Building (Archives I) This Summer

Today's post comes from James Garvin, General Engineer at the National Archives The replacement of the tier 20 upper roof at the National Archives Building (Archives I) began in mid-July. This project is scheduled for completion in mid-October 2012.   Each day, part of the old roof will be removed and the exposed area prepared … Continue reading Roof Work at the National Archives Building (Archives I) This Summer