Primary Sources Rock.

Today's post comes from guest blogger Stephanie Greenhut, Education Technology Specialist with the Center for the National Archives Experience. We know! And we were happy to hear that NARA’s new prompted this tweet on October 4. It was part of the almost-immediate-feedback we received after launching the site. Additional blogs, tweets, social bookmarks, social … Continue reading Primary Sources Rock.

What did you do in the war, Grandpa?

In honor of Veterans Day, today's blog post comes from Nathan Jordan, an Archives Technician at the National Archives at Atlanta.  Nathan recently presented his family's history of military service using resources from the National Archives. Greetings from Atlanta!  Thanks for allowing me to blog in honor of Veterans Day. When I began working as … Continue reading What did you do in the war, Grandpa?

Family Tree Friday: Artificers in the Revolutionary War

Continuing on the theme of (unusually-named) specialty units that served in the U.S. military, this time we look at the artificers who supported the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.  Simply put, artificers were skilled artisans and mechanics who kept military equipment in good working order so the troops could operate effectively.  They typically served … Continue reading Family Tree Friday: Artificers in the Revolutionary War

World War II Escape and Evasion Reports are now available online

On December 12, 1942, 2nd Lt. Jack E. Williams and his crew were flying over the coast of France when, according to his report, “We hit the ground; that is, made a crash landing, at 12:40, after having been violently attacked by fighters.” The actions of Williams and his crewmates following the crash are documented … Continue reading World War II Escape and Evasion Reports are now available online

Are you a citizen archivist?

The National Archives recently created a new "Inside the Vaults" video about our citizen archivist initiative. The video features Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero discussing the contributions of the public to the National Archives as well as two citizen archivists, researcher Jonathan Webb Deiss and educational cartoonist Jon White, discussing their work … Continue reading Are you a citizen archivist?

Mathew Brady Civil War Photos: New and Improved on Flickr!

Way back in October, we announced that the National Archives was uploading several sets of our Mathew Brady photos onto Flickr.  These original sets were not in any particular order, and were just a selection of the thousands of photographs that Mathew Brady took that now live at the National Archives.  Also in that original … Continue reading Mathew Brady Civil War Photos: New and Improved on Flickr!

Coming Next Monday, a New Blog Feature: NARA Coast to Coast

Did you know that the National Archives has locations all over the country? From Boston to Fort Worth to Anchorage and many places in between, there are permanent, historical records of the Federal government waiting for you to explore them. Beginning August 16th our newest blog feature, “NARA Coast to Coast,” will highlight the interesting … Continue reading Coming Next Monday, a New Blog Feature: NARA Coast to Coast

The Results of the Voting for the new Home Page Are In

Thank you to everyone who voted and commented on the homepage designs and features. In total we received 3,257 votes. Interested in knowing how your favorite design did? You can view the results at If you have additional ideas or feedback about the redesign of we invite you to share them here … Continue reading The Results of the Voting for the new Home Page Are In

Welcome to Our Archives Wiki!

We are excited to announce that the Our Archives wiki is now live at Have you made a great find in NARA’s records? Or do you have a story to tell related to our records?  Come share it on the Our Archives wiki! Our Archives is an online space for researchers, educators, genealogists, and … Continue reading Welcome to Our Archives Wiki!

Vote on the Homepage Designs!

A new participation opportunity is available to you as part of the redesign activities – vote on the homepage designs! The four design candidates will be on display July 6-9 in the National Archives Research Rooms in College Park, MD, and Washington, DC. Learn More here. We've set up two ways for you … Continue reading Vote on the Homepage Designs!