Save the Dates for the 2011 DC-area Researchers Meetings

DC-Area Researchers - We hope you will mark your calendars for the 2011 quarterly Researcher Group meetings. February 18, 1 pm - The National Archives in Washington, DC, room G-24 May 20, 1 pm - The National Archives in College Park, lecture rooms B/C August 19, 1 pm - The National Archives in Washington, DC, room G-24 November 18, 1 pm - The … Continue reading Save the Dates for the 2011 DC-area Researchers Meetings

Minutes from the November 19th DC-area Researcher Meeting

The minutes from the meeting on November 19th are posted below. The minutes will be posted on the web after the new redesign of is launched next week. Handouts Agenda The Text Message -- The Blog of the Textual Archives Services Division at Archives II I. Welcome Director, Access Programs Susan Cummings welcomed everyone … Continue reading Minutes from the November 19th DC-area Researcher Meeting

Our Social Media Strategy

We posted the first version of our social media strategy today on Our overall approach is to engage our staff, the government community, and researchers and citizen archivists so we can be a more open agency while accomplish NARA's mission more effectively. We express our core values and strategies for social media in three … Continue reading Our Social Media Strategy

National Archives Contributes to Improved Digital Records Preservation and Access System

Yesterday, The National Archives (TNA) of the United Kingdom and NARA issued simultaneious press releases about the development and release of a significantly expanded PRONOM registry, which supports digital preservation. The announcement highlights the successful partnership between TNA and NARA’s Center for Advanced Systems and Technologies (NCAST) research partners, at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) and the Army Research Lab.

So, What Have We Been Doing in Reference?

We are just finishing up performance appraisals at NARA - that annual event where employees and supervisors get together and discuss how the employee has done in the past year to meet his or her “critical elements.”   Critical elements are the duties and responsibilities each one of us has to support NARA’s goals and objectives. … Continue reading So, What Have We Been Doing in Reference?

Agenda for the November 19th DC-Area Users Group Meeting

We hope you will join us for the last DC-Area Users Group Meeting of 2010, this Friday, November 19th at 1 pm at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, in lecture room B. The agenda for the meeting includes 1. a discussion of the Archives II Saturday pull pilot 2. an update on the … Continue reading Agenda for the November 19th DC-Area Users Group Meeting

Retracing President Lincoln’s 12-day journey to Washington: shortening the journey of his digital records to Illinois

After winning the 1860 presidential election, Abraham Lincoln left his hometown of Springfield, Illinois, on a 12-day journey to Washington. With the help of our technology research partners in Illinois, it takes just a few seconds to send huge volumes of electronic copies of his records back to Lincoln's Presidential Library.

Getting from Format A to Format B: Mapping out conversions of your digital documents and files

Have you ever seen the signs on the side of the road offering services for converting videotapes to DVD?  Do you worry that the digital pictures you take today might not be viewable 10 years from now? As we move forward in a digital age, there will always be older formats that need to be … Continue reading Getting from Format A to Format B: Mapping out conversions of your digital documents and files

Minutes from the DC-area Researchers User Group Meeting on September 29th

The minutes from the meeting on September 29th are posted below.   We will not be posting these minutes on the web site for a few more weeks due to the redesign of, but we wanted to share the minutes with you on NARAtions as soon as possible. Minutes User Group Meeting Wednesday, September 29, … Continue reading Minutes from the DC-area Researchers User Group Meeting on September 29th

NARA Coast to Coast: Naturalization, part 2

In the NARA Coast-to Coast post last week, we discussed the general process for naturalization. This week we will focus on some of the exceptions to the normal process for minors, women, and aliens serving in the U.S. military. Naturalization and Minors (Children) Minor children were granted derivative citizenship when their father, or after 1922 … Continue reading NARA Coast to Coast: Naturalization, part 2