Yesterday, The National Archives (TNA) of the United Kingdom and NARA issued simultaneious press releases about the development and release of a significantly expanded PRONOM registry, which supports digital preservation. The announcement highlights the successful partnership between TNA and NARA’s Center for Advanced Systems and Technologies (NCAST) research partners, at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) and the Army Research Lab.
Category: Tech Tuesdays
Do you speak Volkswriter? MultiMate? Visicalc? Making Steps Toward a Universal File Format Reader
All file formats become obsolete over time. There are tens of thousands of formats in use today. How will we make sense of information stored in these formats over time? This week's Tech Tuesday entry talks about one line of research that is attempting to address this issue - the Data Format Descriptive Language (DFDL).
Retracing President Lincoln’s 12-day journey to Washington: shortening the journey of his digital records to Illinois
After winning the 1860 presidential election, Abraham Lincoln left his hometown of Springfield, Illinois, on a 12-day journey to Washington. With the help of our technology research partners in Illinois, it takes just a few seconds to send huge volumes of electronic copies of his records back to Lincoln's Presidential Library.
Getting from Format A to Format B: Mapping out conversions of your digital documents and files
Have you ever seen the signs on the side of the road offering services for converting videotapes to DVD? Do you worry that the digital pictures you take today might not be viewable 10 years from now? As we move forward in a digital age, there will always be older formats that need to be … Continue reading Getting from Format A to Format B: Mapping out conversions of your digital documents and files
Tech Tuesday: NARA @ NITRD
This week's Tech Tuesday post comes from NCAST blogger, Mark Conrad. Who wouldn’t want to sit at the table where important decisions are made? Who would turn down an invitation from the White House? Who would turn down an opportunity to leverage billions of dollars of other agencies’ Research and Development (R&D) funds? Not NCAST, … Continue reading Tech Tuesday: NARA @ NITRD
The Return of Tech Tuesdays!
If you can think all the way back to January, you may remember NARAtions starting a new weekly blog series called Tech Tuesdays that would highlight exciting new developments and cutting edge technologies being introduced into the archives field. While NARA is traditionally concerned with history, we must look to these new ideas and tools … Continue reading The Return of Tech Tuesdays!
Tech Tuesday: Machine Tags on Our Flickr Images
We joined Flickr last summer as a new way to share our photos with the public. These photos are also available via our online catalog, the Archival Research Catalog (ARC). From the iconic Mathew Brady Civil War photographs to the stirring images from the Environmental Protection Agency's DOCUMERICA endeavor in the 1970s, thousands of people … Continue reading Tech Tuesday: Machine Tags on Our Flickr Images
Tech Tuesdays
Thanks to your great feedback on our recent Family Tree Fridays and NARA Staff Favorite posts, we're considering introducing another specialized series here on NARAtions. This new set of posts, called Tech Tuesdays, would allow us to start a discussion about the cutting-edge technologies that are being developed across the archives field (a topic we're … Continue reading Tech Tuesdays