Summer is here and we hope your plans include visiting one or more of the 411 national parks, monuments, battlefields, military parks, historical parks, historic sites, lakeshores, seashores, recreation areas, scenic rivers and trails in the National Park System. If you can’t make it to one of the locations found in every state, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands – join the National Archives online to celebrate the records of the National Park Service.


Transcribing the digitized records in the National Archives Catalog is an important way to improve search results and increase accessibility to these historical records.
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Tagging is a fun and easy way for you to help make National Archives records more discoverable online. By adding keywords, terms, and labels to a record, you can do your part to help the next person discover that record. Take a look at these photographs from the National Parks and add keywords that describe what you see.

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In the 1930s the Department of Interior made a series of films on the nation’s growing park system, from trails blazed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in Yosemite, California, all the way up to Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes. Now you can see what your local parks looked like during the Great Depression, a time when many old parks were upgraded and many new parks were created.
View highlights from the National Archives’ collection of films from the National Park Service.
Now go and #FindYourPark!
Is there going to be anyone proofreading these transcriptions? I’ve been a legal transcriptionist for quite a long time, and there are too many bad transcripts in the world because of a lack of proofreading.