NARA Staff Favorites: Online Records

We've loved reading your suggestions and comments about sharing NARA's holdings on Flickr, and it's been interesting to see which images people are marking as favorites. All of this got us wondering about which records NARA insiders are particularly fond of, so we asked a few of our experienced colleagues for their picks. This week's … Continue reading NARA Staff Favorites: Online Records

Free NARA Documents on

Are you looking for documents by the Continental Congress, court records related to the Amistad, details on the assassination of President Lincoln, or FBI investigative case files from World War I?  You now have ready access to documents like these, which capture important American ideals and events that have shaped our country.  More than 20 … Continue reading Free NARA Documents on

Question: What groups of photographs should we post on Flickr next, and why?

What groups of photographs should we post on Flickr next, and why? The NARA photostream on Flickr launched in July. So far, the pilot project includes photographs and their corresponding descriptions from the Women’s Bureau, the Environmental Protection Agency’s DOCUMERICA project, and a variety of “NARA Favorites,” plus links to each image’s ARC record. It’s … Continue reading Question: What groups of photographs should we post on Flickr next, and why?