This post was written by guest blogger David McMillen, External Affairs Liaison in the Department of Strategy and Communications. Conventional wisdom is that the appraisal process for electronic records is the same as for paper. Richard Pearce-Moses made that statement in his 2006 Presidential Address to the joint meeting of Archivists in DC. Randall Jimerson quoted him … Continue reading This is not your father’s history.
Author: Matthew Schaefer
Read a good book lately?
This post was written by guest blogger David McMillen, External Affairs Liaison in the Department of Strategy and Communications. I want to invite you to join me in Alexandria, VA in May to hear Randall Jimerson speak. He is the keynote speaker at the spring Mid-American Regional Archives Conference (MARAC), and he is a voice to be … Continue reading Read a good book lately?
Minutes from the February 18th DC-area Researchers Meeting are now available
The minutes from the Researcher Users’ Group meeting on February 18th (PDF) are now available on the page for the Researcher Users Group at the National Archives in the Washington, DC Area. Topics covered in the meeting included: - NARA's Transformation Plan - The 1940 Census - An update on the Archives I renovation … Continue reading Minutes from the February 18th DC-area Researchers Meeting are now available
Agenda for the DC-Area Researchers Meeting on February 18th
Have you marked your calendar to join us for the next DC-area Researchers Group meeting on Friday, February 18th? We will meet at 1 PM in room G-24 of the National Archives Building in Washington, DC. The agenda includes: 1. A discussion of NARA's Transformation Plan (read more on the Archivist's blog) 2. An update … Continue reading Agenda for the DC-Area Researchers Meeting on February 18th
Call for agenda items for the February 18th DC-Area Researchers Meeting
The next DC-area researchers meeting will be held on Friday, February 18th at 1 PM. We'll meet in room G-24 in the National Archives Building in Washington, DC. Already requested for the agenda: an update on NARA's plans for the 1940 Census. If you have suggestions for additional agenda items, please send them to Diane Dimkoff at We … Continue reading Call for agenda items for the February 18th DC-Area Researchers Meeting
FEMA Photographs Now Online
On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina made landfall along the Gulf Coast of the United States, displacing thousands of residents and causing billions of dollars in damage. Less than a month later Hurricane Rita caused further damage when it made landfall in Texas and Louisiana. Pictures from these storms and others are captured in over … Continue reading FEMA Photographs Now Online
Tech Tuesday: What's on the Menu?
The key to successfully pairing fine wine with food is to pick flavors that are complimentary. So, what do you get when you mix an Archivist with Computer Scientists and Engineers? We get great minds cooking up some exciting (and artistic) new things to add to our technology knowledge menu.
Keeping NARA out in front for Digital Democracy
Last month, the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) submitted their report to the President and to Congress, “Designing a Digital Future: Federally Funded Research and Development in Networking and Information Technology.“ In this report, the PCAST provides recommendations – with specific mention of NARA’s role in Digital Democracy – regarding IT research priorities, challenges, and opportunities for the Federal government in the years ahead.
Are you interested in knowing which records from NARA’s DC-Area Textual Services Division in Off-Site Storage?
At the last DC-Area Researchers Group meeting, a researcher asked which records from the Washington, DC, and College Park Textual Services Division had been sent to off-site storage. We have posted a list of the records sent to off-site storage online at (look for the link to the list on the right side of the … Continue reading Are you interested in knowing which records from NARA’s DC-Area Textual Services Division in Off-Site Storage?
National History Day 2011!
It’s the middle of the school year, and already students and teachers are beginning to do research for their National History Day projects. This year the theme is “Debate & Diplomacy: Successes, Failures, Consequences.” One of the great things about NHD is that these projects encourage middle and high school students to use primary sources … Continue reading National History Day 2011!