Have Your Say: Provide Input and Suggestions for NARA’s 2025-2027 Open Government Plan

We are developing the agency’s sixth Open Government Plan and we would like your input and suggestions for 2025-2027.  Open government is built on transparency, participation, and collaboration:  the three principles that form the cornerstone of an open government.

Take a look at our previous plans and tell us what you would like to see included.  How do you think we should further transparency, participation, and collaboration at the National Archives?  

We’re looking for your feedback on a variety of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Innovation, crowdsourcing, and public engagement
  • Digitization and online public access
  • Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
  • Declassification
  • Records Management

Please email your suggestions to opengov@nara.gov by July 31, 2024 so they can be considered for the plan.

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