48 years ago today at 12:30 PM Central Standard Time, President John F. Kennedy was shot while riding in a motorcade through Dallas, Texas. Half an hour later, the President was pronounced dead at Parkland Hospital.
The National Archives has custody of records and artifacts relating to President Kennedy’s assassination and the investigation conducted by the Warren Commission. Many of those records are in Record Group 272, Records of the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, although records are found throughout the holdings of the Archives. Today, we’re asking you to help us tag some of the digital images that are available in our online catalog.
The rifle allegedly used by Lee Harvey Oswald to shoot President Kennedy:

The windshield of the Presidential Limousine:

There are many citizens who have spent a lot of time and money on researching what happened to President Kennedy. The FBI planned an edited murder just like some of the others they murdered like Miss Monroe they did with radio equipment they have they violate citizens rights with radio equipment get a federal subpoena for radio records some of them who have unadvertised jobs violate a citizens 1ts amendment right and abduct citizens The FBI needs to held accountable for their actions. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.